Rose bush drawings

I’ve been working on studies of a rose bush, which I found dumped outside a neighbour’s house. Perhaps it would be expected that only the part of a rose bush that protrudes above the ground would be drawn; instead I chose to draw the rose bush as an object, roots and all.
Perhaps I’ll colour the drawings in an effort to develop them further.

Lapieza. Junk art: Forge gloves.

Invitation to view me drawing at Lapieza.
Invitation to view me drawing at Lapieza.
This is the first of three specially made pieces of work to be displayed at Lapieza. A new piece will be displayed each month.

Pictures from the Lapieza gallery in Madrid. More to follow.

Lapieza: Junk

Drawings of work gloves
Drawings of casting gloves. Oil pastel on paper on cardboard.


28th October – 23rd December 2010
Lapieza. Palma. 15, Malasana, Madrid, Spain.Using the theme “junk” I acquired a pair of old gloves used in a forge to cast artworks for other artists. I’ve drawn those gloves and then started taking them apart, drawing them as they disintegrate.
A third piece of work is inspired by a disused old fruit juice carton.

Rucksack drawings

Me standing in front of rucksack drawings.
Standing in front of my rucksack drawings.
This is my rucksack, one that I carry around with me a lot of the time.

As with my other drawings I used black oil pastel on paper, which I’ve then glued to card and cut-out to give a three-dimensional effect; which I hope brings some of the physical characteristics of objects back to the drawings, otherwise drawings can have a habit of looking rather flat.

Working in my studio

Me drawing in my studio
Drawing in my studio.
I always work from life. I feel very uncomfortable working from memory, photographs or imagination. I’m not always completely conscious of what I’m creating; I try to stay loyal to what I see without glamorising or romanticising.

Drawing a rucksack Drawing a rucksack Drawing in my studio
Drawing a rucksack in my studio, using a black oil pastel on paper.

I work with oil pastels and oil bars, which are effectively pieces of oil paint and take a long time to dry. I’ve tried many drawing materials and oild pastel is best at producing a dark solid line. Graphite seems to produce only a weak grey line and marker pens don’t have the depth of oil pastel which raises up off of the page. I try to increase this effect by mounting the drawings on card and then cutting them out.